SUPPLY CHAIN: KNOW YOUR BUSINESS PARTNERS AND SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT OUR SUPPLY: WHY A RESPONSIBLE SUPPLY CHAIN IS GOOD FOR OUR BUSINESS Safe collaboration with suppliers following the same high standards as Tipico are important in order to guarantee the efficient flow of our business. We therefore increased our procurement team by employing three new employees and further invested in our internal controls and processes to monitor our supply chain very closely. We also expect suppliers to acknowledge our Supplier Code of Conduct, which is based on the standards of the UN Global values and thereby promotes ethical, social, environmental and economic progress. As an international company, we interact with several people, companies and organisations outside of the Tipico Group in all business areas. Our supply chain is less affected by direct procurement of raw materials and goods for production, but rather shaped by indirect spending on services supporting the day-to-day business such as professional consultancy, marketing and sponsorship, sportsbook and gaming, infrastructure and security agreements. In 2019, especially investments in the last two categories increased. THE SELECTION PROCESS Whether customers, partners, franchise partners, or service providers – we are implementing guidelines and checks to guarantee safe relationships. These do not only include customer identity verification processes, but also due diligence on the franchise partners and vendors. Even charitable organisations are asked for transparent information to guarantee that trust is never misused. Tipico is also working on standardising procurement within the Group through encouraging synergies of in- ternal systems, as well as publishing Group-wide guidelines on purchasing, vendor selection and tendering to ensure equal opportunities are given to suppliers. “Know your business partners” processes and procedures reduce the risk in facilitating business with inap- propriate business partners, especially from an anti-money laundering perspective. By verifying our part- ners and understanding their business, we increase our ability to pinpoint any potential risks and take ap- propriate steps to mitigate them. As a first approach to supplier verification, a risk assessment is completed. This includes specific parameters such as the jurisdiction, type of service or monetary value of the contract to name a few. Based on the risk assessment results, specific due diligence checks are carried out in line with regulatory requirements. As a part of these checks, we screen individuals and organisations through an established compliance checking engine such as World Check by Refinitiv Limited, which makes it possible to immediately identify suspici- ous results and take relevant actions. Enhanced due diligence (EDD) is subsequently triggered in case any suspicious result is met during the checks, always in accordance and agreed with the Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO). Tipico enforces the already established Contract Signing Process Policy, which ensures a uniform, structu- red, efficient and transparent process for contract signing requests. The policy describes the main rules and measures to fulfil the requirements for a contract to be signed. This includes legal, tax, finance, AML, data protection, ISMS and compliance checks. In 2019, we further streamlined processes and introduced a new supplier and contract management platform. The new supplier and contract management platform aims to digitalise and make transparent the procurement-related controls and checks. The target is to ensure the full visibility and audit trail of every contract, order, commercial and service acquired. Contracts which pass through these stages, are appro- priately reviewed, documented and correctly allocated to the relevant business unit through a structured workflow. All contracts are also digitalised and centrally stored within the same system and controlled through a Role Based Access Control set up to ensure access is controlled and the information is secure on a need-to-know basis. 7474